Inclusive Practices Leadership Training 

The Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE), in conjunction with Professional Development Educational Research Institute (PEDRI), and Stetson and Associates are working jointly to support the aspiring administrators in the Hawaii Certification Institute for School Leaders (HCISL) program. The goal of the support provided to HCISL is to ensure that aspiring administrators are introduced to Inclusive Practices and student-centered decision making processes that promote equity and access for all of Hawaii’s children. In addition, the HCISL program is working to create a common understanding about Inclusive Practices for Leaders. 

The following are the competencies and training topics that will be provided to HCISL participants:

*This training is exclusive to those candidates participating in the HCISL program. 

PDE3 Courses

Additional training for Inclusive School leaders can be found on PDE3. Please feel free to register for the following courses:

If you have additional questions, please contact Krysta Salon, Educational Specialist, Exceptional Support Branch, at or 808-690-0651.